What is Pickleball?
Pickleball is an easy and active paddle sport, played with a perforated plastic ball, on a court about one-third the size of a tennis court. It’s easy to learn, and newcomers can quickly become competent. It is the fastest growing sport in the USA.
Rules and regulations:
A brief summary of rules
- The court is 20’ wide by 44’ long, inclusive of a non-volley zone of the first 7’ on either side of the net.
- The net height is 36” at the ends, 34” in the center.
- The serve is the only stroke required to be underhanded, and must land within the diagonal receiving box.
- The player on the right side begins the serving opportunities for that team. The opening team is allowed only one server’s opportunities. Following that, each person on each team is allowed serving opportunities.
- Should the serve or consequent play of the serving team result in a fault, the second server on that team is allowed to serve. Should that result in a fault on the serving team, the opposing team begins to serve.
- The server must call the score before serving (our score, opponents’ score, server number), e.g. 4-5-1.
- Only the serving team may score points, which accumulate when their opponents fault.
- With each point scored for the serving team, the server of that point alternates position.
- Two-bounce rule: including the serve, the first ball landing on either side of the net must bounce before it can be returned.
- There is no volleying of the ball when a player is within the non-volley zone.
- A ball failing to clear the net or landing out of bounds, or a serve failing to land in the receiver’s block, is deemed a fault.
- A game is usually played to 11 points, win by 2.
Note these imperatives for good play:
- Get the ball into play, keep it in play.
- Play at the kitchen line. As soon as practicable, move up near that line.
- Be in position, be balanced, be ready.
- Strive to never hit the ball into the net.
- Communicate with your partner.
For all the rules, further tips, and videos, please see https://usapickleball.org